This Quackling Duck has quietly disappeared over the years. So just forget about him.
I’ve updated this page (5/9/2021) because some of my domain names and websites have been sold.
I will be adding links to unusual sites, sites about unusual things, sites with unusual names and other things that are unusual about a website.
Here is a domain name I’ve had over 8 years. It used to be parked with a directory supplied by my registry and made over $300 just sitting there. Once I put a site on it a year ago(that was in 2012) it didn’t made a dime. Go figure. So I sold it.
Whoa!! I see it now goes to a porno site so I’d better not give the url.
Here’s an alternate site about luck that I have for sale.
Here is a 5-letter domain that I originally intended on putting a custom cartoon series on. But I never found a cartoonist that was interested. If you know anyone that wants to showcase their cartoons for this site or please contact me.
At one time I was very interested in having a pig or duck site. I had over a dozen domain names for each of the two niches. I never did put up those sites, except for ..well click the image at the top of this page. As for pigs I only have one pig related domain name now.
It is great name for a pig encyclopedia site. Want to buy it? Let’s make a deal.
Here’s my site on astronomy for the laymen. Never mind. I sold the site.
I have a site about quotes. See the image directly below.
Here is one of my travel sites and why you should travel.
Oh No!! I haven’t had time lately to really do any blogging for this site. I’ll look for some more nostalgia to add to the site.
Meanwhile you might want to check out my new DOG site.
This next ad is for a domain name for those who want their own business to help people pass an English Proficiency test.